contents memorandum はてな


『くわしい英米現代文の新研究[改訂版]』(多田幸蔵 洛陽社 2009//1957)

著者:多田 幸蔵[ただ・こうぞう] (1916-2010) 英文学。
NDC:837.5 英文解釈.英文和訳


はしがき(著者) [001-004]
目次 [005-008]

  Part I Fiction, Biography & History 009

[1]L. P. Hartley(1895‐1972):The Go‐Between
[2]Sherwood Anderson(1876‐1941):Poor White
[3-4]W. H. Davies(1871‐1941):The Autobiography of a Supertramp 
[5-7]Clarence Day (1874-1935) : Life with Father 018
[8-9]George (1847-1912) & Weedon Grossmith(1854-1919) : The Diary of a Nobody 024
[10-11]James Hilton (1900-1954) : Goodbye, Mr. Chips 028
[12]Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961):Big Two-Hearted River 032
[13]Mark Twain (1835-1910) : Pudd’nhead Wilson 034
[14]Willa Cather (1873-1947) : Paul's Case 036
[15]Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) : Catalina 038
[16]Do. : The Moon and Sixpence 40
[17-18]John Steinbeck (1902-1968) : East of Eden 042
[19]P. G. Wodehouse (1881-1975) : Right Ho, Jeeves 046
[20]John Galsworthy (1867-1933) : Portrait 048
[21]Do. : The Choice 050
[22]John Wain (1925-1994): Strike the Father Dead 052
[23]A. L. Bacharach (1891-1966) : Lives of the Greatest Composers 054
[24]Donald Robinson (?-): Albert Schweitzer 056
[25-26]Donald Culross Peattie (1898-1964) : Lives of Destiny 058
[27]Robert Lynd (1879-1949) : Dr. Johnson 062
[28-30]Lord Bryce (1838-1922): Abraham Lincoln As Orator 064
[31]J. S. Mill (1806-1873) : Autobiography
[32-33]H. G. Wells (1866-1946) : A Short History of the World 072
[34]Edith Hamilton (1869-1963) : The Greek Way 076
[35]H. D. K. Kitto (1897-1982): The Greeks 078
[36]G. M. Trevelyan (1876-1962) : English Social History 080
[37-39]J. R. Green (1837-1883) : A Short History of the English people 082
[40-41]A. Toynbee (1889-1975) : Civilization On Trial 088

  Part II Science and Culture 093

[43]George Gamow(1904‐1968): Biography of the Earth 094
[44]Richie Calder(1906‐): Science in Our Lives 098
[45]C. B. Worth & R. K. Enders(?‐): The Nature of Living Things 100
[46]Sir Arthur Eddington (1882-1944) : The Nature of the Physical World 102
[47]J. B. Conant(1893-1973): Modern Science and Modern Man 104
[48]J. Tyndall(1820-1893) : Scienti fic Materialism 106
[49]D. W. Morley(1920-): The Ant World 108
[50-52]Sir Richard Gregory(1864-1952): Discovery 110
[53]Bertrand Russell(1872-1970): Impact of Science on Society 116
[54]Karl Pearson(1857-1936) : The Grammar of Science 118
[55]Max Otto(1876-1968) : Science and the Moral Life 120
[56]H. S. Hatfield(?-): The Inventor and His World 122
[57-58]Irwin Edman (1896-1954) : Arts and the Man 124
[59]Herbert Read(1893-1968) : The Meaning of Art 128
[60-61]Eric Newton(1893-): European Painting and Sculpture 130
[62-63]Gertrude Williams(1897-): Economics of Everyday Life 134
[64]Simeon Potter(1898-1976) : Our Language 138
[65-66]Julian Huxley(1887-1975) : Man in the Modern World 140
[67]Bertrand Russell(1872-1970): Authority and Individual 144
[68-69]E. H. Carr(1892-1982) · The New Society 146
[70]Herbert Read(1893-1968):The Politics of the Unpolitical 150
[71]Lester Ward (1841-1913) : Intellectual Egalitarianism 152
[72-73]Will Durant(1885-1981): The Story of Philosophy 154
[74-75]J. B. Bury(1861-1927) : A History of Freedom of Thought 158
[76]J. S. Mill(1806-73) The Subjection of Women 162
[77]Sir James George Frazer(1854-1941): The Golden Bough 164
[78]T. S. Eliot(1888-1965) : Notes towards the Definition of Culture 166
[79]Ernest Cassirer(1874-1945) : An Essay on Man 168
[80]Thomas Huxley(1825-1895): A Liberal Education 170
[81]A. N. Whitehead(1861-1947) : The Aims of Education 172
[82]H. J. Blackham(1903-2009) : The Human Programme 174

  Part III Essays 177

[83]Arthur Christopher Benson(1862‐1925):The Art of The Essayist 178
[84]Robert Lynd(1879‐1949):This Body
[85]Do. :Argument 182
[86]Do. :One's Habits 184
[87]A. A. Milne(1882-1956) : Golden Fruit 186
[88]Jerome K. Jerome(1859-1927) : On Being in Love 188
[89]Max Beerbohm(1872-1956) : Seeing People off 190
[90-91]Somerset Maugham(1874-1965): The Summing Up 192
[92]Do. : Don Fernando 196
[93]A. G. Gardiner(1865-1946): On Possession 198
[94]Do. : On Bores 200
[95-96]Sir Arthur Helps(1813-1875) : Essays 202
[97]E. V. Lucas(1868-1938) : A Door-Plate 206
[98]Paul Hazard(1878-1944) : Books Children & Men 208
[99]Harold Nicolson(1886-1968):A Defence of Shyness 210
[100]J. B. Priestley(1894-1984) : The Grumbler 212
[101]Do. : The New Urban Life 214
[102]A. Clutton-Brock(1868-1924): On Friendship 216
[103]Walter Allen(1911-1995): Reading a Novel 218
[104-105]Lin Yutang(1895-1976): The Importance of Living 220
[106]Aldous Huxley(1894–1963) : Ends and Means 224
[107]Do. : On Comfort 226
[108]C. E. Montague(1867-1928) : A Writer's Notes on his Trade228
[109]Walter Raleigh(1861-1922) : Shakespeare 230
[110]Bertrand Russell(1872-1970): Knowledge and Wisdom 232
[111-112] Do. : Conquest of Happiness 234
[113-114]G. B. Shaw(1856-1950): The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism Capitalism Sovietism and Fascism 238
[115]William Ralph Inge(1860-1954) : Solitude 242
[116]Do. : England 244
[117]J. L. Liebman(?-1948): Peace of Mind 246
[118-119]L. P. Jacks(1860-1955): Moral Inertia 248
[120]Sir Maurice Bowra(1898-1971): The Study of Literature 252
[121]Samuel Butler(1835-1902): Rambling in Cheapside 254
[122]Basil De Selincourt(1870-1942): The English Secret 256
[123]Rex Warner(1905-1986) : On Freedom of Expression 258
[124]Do. : The Cult of Power 260
[125]Virginia Woolf(1882-1941): How Should One Read a Book? 262
[126-127]Geoge Orwell(1903-1950): England, Your England 264
[128]Do. : Such, Such were the Joys 268
[129]Do. : Politics and the English Language 270
[130]E. M. Forster(1879-1970): Notes on the English Character 272
[131]Do. : What I Believe 274
[132]T. S. Eliot(1888-1965) : After Strange Gods 276
[133]Lewis Mumford(1895-1990) : Technics and Civilization 278
[134]René Dubos(1901-1982) : Man, Medicine, and Environment 280
[135]Sir Ernest Barker(1874–1960) : National Character 282
[136]Arthur C. Clark(1917-2008) : Profiles of the Future 284
[137]Bertrand Russell: Western Civilization in Modern Times and The Idea of Progress 284

索引 [289-294]