contents memorandum はてな


『英語類義語活用辞典』(最所フミ[編著] ちくま学芸文庫 2003//1973)

英題:Practical Guide to English Synonyms
編著:最所 フミ[さいしょ・ふみ](1908-1990) 評論、翻訳。
解説:加島 祥造[かじま・しょうぞう](1923-2015) 詩作、アメリカ文学、翻訳、随筆。
NDC:834 言語 >> 英語 >> 語彙
  → 単行本の増訂新版1984年(研究社)
  → 文庫版2003年(筑摩書房
  → 文庫版の再刊2018年(筑摩書房

筑摩書房 英語類義語活用辞典 / 最所 フミ 著

 類義語・同意語・反意語の正しい使い分けが、豊富な例文から理解できる定評ある辞典。思わぬ誤解や失礼をしないための使用例が、卓越した日本語と英語の語感をもつ著者により解説される。(1)意味がほとんど同じで、どちらを使っても大した違いのないもの。mistake とerror、big とlargeなど。(2)使い方をまちがえるとコミュニケーションに重大な齟齬を来たすもの。doubtとsuspectなど。(3)漠然と類義語だと信じられているがその実、異質な言葉。fortunate とhappy など。「なるほど」と腑に落ちる効果的な使い方が、わかりやすく習得できる、学生や教師・英語表現の実務家の必携書。

目次 [003-010]
まえがき(1979年6月 F. S.) [011-016]
今回の増補版を前にして(1984年4月 F. S.) [017-019]

A  020
  abandon / desert / leave 
  able / capable 
  accomplish / achieve 
  ache / pain 
  act / action 
  all / whole 
  animal / beast / creature 
  answer / reply 
  antagonistic / hostile 

B  046
  banal / trite / mediocre
  bare / naked / nude
  begin / start / commence
  benefit / profit
  benign / benevolent
  bias / prejudice
  big / large
  boast / brag
  bring / fetch
  bum / hobo / tramp / punk
  buy / purchase / procure

C  065
  calm / tranquil / serene / placid
  care / mind
  catch / capture
  change / alter
  choose / elect / select
  cinema / movies / motion picture / pictures / film / flicks
  claim / demand
  classic / classical
  client / customer
  clothes / dress
  cold / cool
  color / hue
  comfort / console / solace
  commerce / trade / business / industry
  communicative / communicable
  company / corporation / firm
  comparative / comparable
  compete / contest / contend
  condition / state
  constraint / restraint ; constrain / restrain
  consult / confer
  contain / include
  credible / creditable
  cunning / sly

D  101
  dangerous / perilous
  decay / decompose / deteriorate
  decide / determine
  depend / rely
  depressed / distressed
  describe / depict / delineate
  despise / detest / disdain
  despot / tyrant
  deteriorate / degenerate / degrade
  devil / demon / fiend
  disbelief / unbelief
  disclose / reveal / divulge
  disease / malady / infirmity
  disinterested / uninterested
  dizzy / giddy / dazed
  doubtful / dubious / suspicious
  dress / frock / gown / garment / apparel

E   125
  eager /enthusiastic
  effective / effectual
  embellish / adorn / decorate
  emigrant / immigrant
  empty / vacant / void
  endeavor / effort
  enemy / foe
  enough / adequate / sufficient
  envious / jealous
  era / period / epoch / age
  estimate / assess / appraise
  ethic / morality
  ethics / morals
  ethnic / racial
  explain / explicate /expound

F  147
  factor / element
  fare / ware
  fascinating / charming
  fast / quick // swift / rapid
  feminine / female / womanly / womanish
  firm / hard / solid
  follow / pursue / chase
  forbid /prohibit / ban
  foreign / alien
  fortuitous / gratuitous
  frank / candid
  free / liberate /emancipate
  frugal / thrifty / economical
  frustrate / thwart

G  168
  gainful / profitable
  game / a game
  gather / collect / assemble
  get / obtain / acquire
  go / leave / depart
  goal / target / aim / objective
  goods / commodities / ware
  govern / rule
  grave / tomb / sepulcher / mausoleum
  grief / sorrow
  guess / suppose

H  184
  happy / fortunate / lucky
  hard / difficult
  have / own / possess
  healthy / sound
  hear / listen
  help / assist
  hire / employ
  hurry / haste
  hustle / hassle

I  199
  idle / lazy
  ignore / disregard
  imitate / copy
  increase / augment
  informant / informer
  informant / informer
  ingenious / ingenuous
  inhuman / unhuman
  injure / harm / hurt / damage
  injustice / wrong(s)
  inspect / investigate
  intelligent / intellectual
  intense / intensive
  intimate / close

J  218
  job / work
  jump /leap

K  223
  kind / sort

L  225
  last / final / terminal
  lawyer / attorney / barrister / solicitor
  lease / rent
  legal / legitimate
  lenient / tolerant
  lineal / liner
  load / burden
  local / regional
  look / see

M  234
  magazine / journal / periodical
  margin / fringe
  marriage / wedding
  masculine / manly / mannish / male
  melt / thaw
  mend / repair // remedy
  metaphor / simile / analogy
  mind / spirit
  mistake / error
  mix / blend
  mutual / reciprocal
  myth / mystique

N   253
  neat / tidy

O  255
  opposite / opponent
  option / choice
  overworked / overwrought

P  258
  peak / pinnacle // summit / apex
  peep / peek
  permit / allow
  persist / insist
  personality / character
  phase / aspect
  plan / plot / scheme / project
  polite / courteous / civil
  postpone / defer
  posture / stance
  power / strength
  preamble / preface / foreword / introduction
  predicament / plight
  present / gift
  preserve / conserve
  protect / shield
  protest / object
  proverb / adage / maxim / axiom / epigram / aphorism / saying

Q  293
  question / query / inquire / interrogate

R  295
  reasonable / rational
  regard / consider / deem
  regret / repent
  reign / rule
  remember / recall / recollect
  repress / suppress
  result / consequence
  right / correct
  righteous / just
  rival / vie / compete

S  311
  satisfied / content
  savage / barbarous
  scold / reprimand / upbraid / berate
  scorn / contempt
  serious / earnest / grave
  serve / service
  sharp / keen
  shuck / peel
  sick / ill
  sin / guilt
  skin / hide
  slim / slender
  small / little
  solitude / seclusion / isolation
  spurious / sham / phony / mock / fake
  stain / taint
  standard / criterion
  state / nation
  stick / adhere / cohere
  stop / cease
  strategic / tactical
  stress / pressure
  strike / hit
  substantial / substantive

T   362
  talk / speak / say / tell
  teach / instruct
  tear / rip
  tendency / trend
  the press / newspaper / journal / the media
  thief / robber

U  [なし]

V   386
  vague / ambiguous / murky 
  villain / scoundrel / knave / rogue / rascal 
  vital / fatal 
  vogue /fashion 
  volume / bulk / mass 
  vow / swear / pledge 

W  396
  war / battle 
  wide / broad
  wish / want 
  word / words 
  work / labor / toil 

X  [なし]

Y  [なし]

Z  [なし]

索引 [405-412]
解説 人間と言葉への敏感な感性 加島祥造(2003・5・15) [413-424]

 このメモにおいて山括弧〈 〉付きの用語は、「本書における○○」くらいの意味。

 ・本書の巻頭・巻末部分を除いた辞書本体は、まずアルファベット順に(A・B……V・W で)区切られている。なお、このブログの目次では、見出し語を含まないアルファベットを明示している。つまり、“U [なし] ”とわざわざ追加しているが、本書には無い。
 ・ちなみに、ごく一部だが区切り方が特殊な小見出しもある(258頁、"peak / pinnacle // summit / apex")。


  例:動詞'compete'単体は〈目次〉では90頁と309頁が示され、'compete for' は〈索引〉で90頁に案内される。